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crunching present participle of crunch (Verb) VerbCrush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound: …


cruncháy /_kr_nCH_/Adjective Making a sharp noise when bitten or crushed and (of food) pleasantly crisp: “bake until the topping is crunchy”.


1. to call loudly, 2. to weep, 3. verb for the sound of a trumpet (in the poem “Lepanto” by G. K. …


cuckoo, bird species Cuculus Canorus, named by its cry. Also, a type of clock named after the bird.


cuckáoo /_ko_oko_o/ NounA medium-sized long-tailed bird, typically with a gray or brown back and barred or pale underparts. Many cuckoos lay their …


clucking present participle of cluck (Verb) Verb(of a hen) Make a short, guttural sound.


crinkled past participle, past tense of crinákle (Verb) VerbForm small creases or wrinkles in the surface of something, esp. the skin of …


clunk /kl_NGk/ NounA heavy, dull sound such as that made by thick pieces of metal striking together. VerbMove with or make such …


crisp /krisp/Adjective Firm, dry, and brittle, esp. in a way considered pleasing or attractive: “crisp bacon”. NounA baked fruit dessert with a …