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rustled past participle, past tense of rusátle (Verb) VerbMake a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry …


sound of an electric drill (ref)


rustling present participle of rusátle (Verb) VerbMake a soft, muffled crackling sound like that caused by the movement of dry leaves or …


roar /r™r/ NounA full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal. Verb(of a lion or other large …


roared past participle, past tense of roar (Verb) Verb(of a lion or other large wild animal) Utter a full, deep, prolonged cry.


roaráing /_r™riNG/Adjective (of a person, crowd, or animal) Making a loud and deep sound, esp. as an expression of pain, anger, or …


sound of deep prolonged cry (“Garfield”, Jim Davis)

red knot

(Calidris canutus) is a medium sized shorebird. name may be imitative of the birds vocalization, sometimes described as a soft “knut”, or …


sound of a squeaky metal hinge (“Garfield”, Jim Davis)